Monday, February 28, 2011

Fonts researched by Dakota

Here is a selection of fonts that Dakota Callicott reasearched to see if we might like them. Most of them are not appropriate for the written section (i.e. short stories, poems, non-fiction, etc.) but they work great as a graphic element that continues to unify the overall design based on a nautical theme. For example, they can be used as glyphs at the beginning of paragraphs, or as titles of works, and/or on the table of content page. A nice serif font will be used for the actual copy.


  1. I really like some of these, however my favorite one that you showed us in class doesn't seem to be up here. I really like the more scripted fonts for this project opposed to the graphic like ones.

  2. As Corey said, the one I liked the most doesn't appear on this post, but I do like the first one here. I've used it in a couple of designs, I think. I like scripted fonts, but I also feel there is such a thing as TOO scripted. I want to find a balance!

  3. I like Dead Secretary and Pieces of Eight; but I agree that the more scripted fonts seem much more appealing to this project then the more graphic ones do.
